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 Bardock training

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Teen Gohan
Teen Gohan

Male Number of posts : 278
Age : 34
Powerlevel : 5.382
Ki : 5.382
Hp/ Strenght : 2.691
Fighting experience : 15
Attacks : Kamehameha, Masenko, after Image, Super Kamehamha
Transformations : Fake ssj
Clan/Team : Leader, Knights Off The Future
Zenni : 1914
Items : none
Registration date : 2008-02-08

Bardock training Empty
PostSubject: Bardock training   Bardock training Icon_minitimeWed 22 Oct 2008, 12:26 am

Bardock walked into the training section on a beautiful day on Planet Vegeta. It was time for a training. He must create more strenght, more power and training is one off the selucions for this problem. So he walked to the middle off the area, charged his power to the maximum and called for two saibamen. "Go all out and don't blow it." said Bardock against the two saibamen. He and the saibamen took there fighting stance. You could hear the wind blowing true the threes and over the ground.

Bardock took the first step and ran to the saibamen. The two saibamen did the same when they saw Bardock running. The three warriors came together and tried to hit each other with an fist. Bardocks fist ended on a fist off a saibaman. The other saibaman missed Bardock, so he didn't hit him and flew by. The warriors stood with there back to eachother. Bardock turned around and schooted an Riot Javelin to the two saibamen. The saibamen turned also and saw Bardocks attack. One off them jumped away and the other one was hitted. The one who avoided Bardocks attack ran to Bardock and gave him several punches and ended with an dashing knee in Bardocks stomach. Bardock fell over on his knees, the saibamancharged and fired an ki attack to Bardock while he was sitting there on the ground.

Bardock fired an ki attack to the ground and lifted in the air and avoided the saibamans attack. Bardock was now in the air, the two saibamen flew to the saiyan warrior. The warriors started to punch and to kick, but the warriors punched and kicked on eachothers fists and knees and that gave some shockwaves. Bardock was stronger and kicked one saibaman down. But the other saibamen knocked him down when he did that. Bardock was losing hight, He landed on his hand and recovered the fall. The saibaman saw it and flew behind Bardock. Bardock saw the saibaman coming and threw some sand in his eyes, ran to him and gave him several punches and ended with an Riot Javelin. The saibaman was defeated, there was one left.

Bardock had used allot off energy for this fight, but the saibaman to. But when he saw he dead pall, he used his rage to attack. He was faster, stronger then before. Bardock had some trouble. He did his arms in an X-formation to block the punches and the kicks to his head. Then there was a moment that he saw an open spot. He slided his right leg to the saibamans gut. The saibaman flew over the ground against a rock, the rock was cracking and was destroyed by the saibamans hit. It was almost over for the saibaman. He couldn't win against Bardock. He is a saiyan warrior, saiyans are stronger then saibamen. It was only one strong attack to finish, but Bardock didn't think that this was the time. He ran to the saibaman an did another combo. Now it was time. He took some steps back, charged some energy and fired his strongest Ki attack.

This little training was over, but Bardock still needed to learn much. He will after some experience he get from fights and trainings. He goes home for his rest, for his next opponent.
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Teen Gohan
Teen Gohan

Male Number of posts : 278
Age : 34
Powerlevel : 5.382
Ki : 5.382
Hp/ Strenght : 2.691
Fighting experience : 15
Attacks : Kamehameha, Masenko, after Image, Super Kamehamha
Transformations : Fake ssj
Clan/Team : Leader, Knights Off The Future
Zenni : 1914
Items : none
Registration date : 2008-02-08

Bardock training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bardock training   Bardock training Icon_minitimeWed 22 Oct 2008, 12:27 am

4x story training.
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Teen Gohan
Teen Gohan

Male Number of posts : 278
Age : 34
Powerlevel : 5.382
Ki : 5.382
Hp/ Strenght : 2.691
Fighting experience : 15
Attacks : Kamehameha, Masenko, after Image, Super Kamehamha
Transformations : Fake ssj
Clan/Team : Leader, Knights Off The Future
Zenni : 1914
Items : none
Registration date : 2008-02-08

Bardock training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bardock training   Bardock training Icon_minitimeWed 22 Oct 2008, 4:32 pm

Bardock walks the trainings room in after his nap. He goes sitting. He closes his eyes. There is a mountain in front of him. Your hear that Bardock is powering up. If you watch the mountain, you see him moving. Bardock stands up but still closes his eyes. The mountain gets higher and higher. Then he opens his eyes. The big mountain falls down. Bardock rather some power and sends his Riot Javelin. The mountain is broken in several of pieces. Bardock jumped up and hit the pieces with his fist and feeds. He trains his speed and power with this exercise.
There is no stone left. Only dust. Bardock comes down and looks for another mountain, but only bigger.

After a minute or two. He stands for a bigger mountain. This mountain is twice so big as the first one. Bardock goes sit again and closes his eyes. This time its more difficult to move the mountain. But he gets the mountain inn the sky after some minutes. When the mountain is high enough, he powered himself up and opens his eyes again. He fires a Riot Javelin again. The mountain split in thousand of pieces. He jumps in the air and start over. But this time the pieces are bigger. He punches some pieces and flies around between the pieces. He sends some ki blast, so some pieces explode. But the most part of it, he uses his hands and feeds. One piece hits the ground. Bardock was very angry for that little piece.

He looked for another mountain and found one to. He stands right in the front of it. He powered up to his full power and with that power he raised the mountain. He throws it in the air and flies after it. He shoot thousand of ki blasts. The mountain breaks. He is faster than ever. He can take all the pieces down. He comes on the ground and take some breath. That exercise has taken a lot of his energy. But he can walk and run.

After that exercise, he goes running for 50miles. It takes a lot of time but he runs it.
When he finishes his running, he does take some weights.
He also did some push ups and sit ups.
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Teen Gohan
Teen Gohan

Male Number of posts : 278
Age : 34
Powerlevel : 5.382
Ki : 5.382
Hp/ Strenght : 2.691
Fighting experience : 15
Attacks : Kamehameha, Masenko, after Image, Super Kamehamha
Transformations : Fake ssj
Clan/Team : Leader, Knights Off The Future
Zenni : 1914
Items : none
Registration date : 2008-02-08

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PostSubject: Re: Bardock training   Bardock training Icon_minitimeWed 22 Oct 2008, 4:33 pm

2x story gain
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PostSubject: Re: Bardock training   Bardock training Icon_minitime

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