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 vegeta's training

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2 posters

Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Powerlevel : 3,572
Ki : 3,572
Hp/ Strenght : 1,791
Fighting experience : 10
Attacks : Tri Beam Cannon,4 arms, Multi Form
Transformations : N/A
Clan/Team : Knights Off The Future
Zenni : 10
Items : sword, Saiyan space pod, Weighted clothes
Registration date : 2008-10-20

vegeta's training Empty
PostSubject: vegeta's training   vegeta's training Icon_minitimeTue 21 Oct 2008, 7:57 pm

vegeta was alone in the woods. As vegeta sits down he think "i must think stonger and faster" he takes off his armor and stands up.
he point his hand to a tree vegeta froces all his power to his hand "more more" vegeta say "Galik Gun". Vegeta dosen only blow up
the one but 8 more around it. " it still not good" Vegeta pick a falling over tree and lift it over his head. Vegeta starts doing squts
up and down vegeta go. Vegeta starts felling a pain in his leg "must keep going". Some time later vegeta end the squts do he thows
the tree in the air and Big bang attack the tree the explodes in the air. Vegete fly up into the air and faces he hand the woods
and says with a smile on his face "Final Flash". A big wall off smoke came up as the smoke cleared vegeta eyes were fill with please
as he the mess he make. "I better get back home".
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Teen Gohan
Teen Gohan

Male Number of posts : 278
Age : 34
Powerlevel : 5.382
Ki : 5.382
Hp/ Strenght : 2.691
Fighting experience : 15
Attacks : Kamehameha, Masenko, after Image, Super Kamehamha
Transformations : Fake ssj
Clan/Team : Leader, Knights Off The Future
Zenni : 1914
Items : none
Registration date : 2008-02-08

vegeta's training Empty
PostSubject: Re: vegeta's training   vegeta's training Icon_minitimeTue 21 Oct 2008, 11:56 pm

1x story training
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vegeta's training
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