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 sent to Snake Way

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King Vegeta

King Vegeta

Male Number of posts : 9
Powerlevel : 1500
Attacks : kamehameha
gallic gun
Transformations : oozaru
Zenni : 60

Registration date : 2010-02-02

sent to Snake Way Empty
PostSubject: sent to Snake Way   sent to Snake Way Icon_minitimeWed 03 Feb 2010, 8:44 pm

after bean killed king vegeta goe'sto king yemmas deskwhen he arrives he talks to king yemmaand says"thear Ogre...please tell me where i go 2
the ogre looks in his book and says:"you can go to SnakeWay BUT only because you gived your life for alot of people knowing that you should be killed so i keep and eye on you...!"

PS:i know it's short
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