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 the changeling master(saga)

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King Vegeta

King Vegeta

Male Number of posts : 9
Powerlevel : 1500
Attacks : kamehameha
gallic gun
Transformations : oozaru
Zenni : 60

Registration date : 2010-02-02

the changeling master(saga) Empty
PostSubject: the changeling master(saga)   the changeling master(saga) Icon_minitimeWed 03 Feb 2010, 8:36 pm

when the changeling master come he kills alot of innocent saiyans .but then vegeta comes and challenge him and says:"come on leder vs king!"when the changeling reacts "ok.."vegeta puts all of his KI in one atackgallic gun the changeling uses a simple finger blast but it's realy strong and doesnt cost alot of KI they both explode but the full moon apears high up in the sky.vegeta gets alot more power and changes into the oozaru form.he kicks the changeling hard but these only go's some feat backwards.the changeling loads for his final atack the death ball with his own it can crush a whole planet let stand if you trow it on a saiyan.he trows it and the saiyan is death...
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the changeling master(saga)
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