Dragonball Z: Power Unleashed
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 en buys a Saiyan space pod:

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Male Number of posts : 166
Age : 31
Powerlevel : 3,572
Ki : 3,572
Hp/ Strenght : 1,791
Fighting experience : 10
Attacks : Tri Beam Cannon,4 arms, Multi Form
Transformations : N/A
Clan/Team : Knights Off The Future
Zenni : 10
Items : sword, Saiyan space pod, Weighted clothes
Registration date : 2008-10-20

en buys a Saiyan space pod: Empty
PostSubject: en buys a Saiyan space pod:   en buys a Saiyan space pod: Icon_minitimeSat 08 Nov 2008, 1:59 am

-Saiyan space pod: A liitle ball ship for one person
cost: 800 zenni

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