Dragonball Z: Power Unleashed
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Dragonball Z: Power Unleashed

This is an normal easy dbz rpg. With allot off action and fun. Join now and you won't regrett it.
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 Team Ranking System

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Number of posts : 8
Powerlevel : 500
Ki : 500
Hp/ Strenght : 250
Attacks : Regeneration, Percurus Blast, Extendable Limbs
Registration date : 2008-10-25

Team Ranking System Empty
PostSubject: Team Ranking System   Team Ranking System Icon_minitimeTue 28 Oct 2008, 7:29 pm

Guru - Leader / Commander, oversees the team's activities.

Oboe - Field Commander / Head Guardian - Leads the team into battle and organizes defensive procedures.

[Postion Open] - Co-Commander - The person who is second only to Oboe in the field, and will give orders when Oboe is not around.
If you would like to join at this rank.....
PL required: 2,000
Donation required: 4,000 Zenni

[Position Open] - Guru's Champion - This is the one man who must never leave Guru's side. The Elder will choose his champion when the time arises.

You must work your way up through these if you decide to join, unless you donate the specified amount to the team, or have the specified power level.

Planet Guardian
PL required: 1,800
Donation required: 3,500 Zenni

Guru's Warrior
PL required: 1,500
Donation required: 3,000 Zenni

Guru Hut Guard
PL required: 1,500
Donation required: 3,000 Zenni

Clan Warrior
PL required: 800
Donation required: 1,500 Zenni

Clan Guardian
PL required: 800
Donation required: 1,500 Zenni

Everybody starts here. Once you complete a simple task for Guru or Oboe you can choose to become a warrior or a guardian.
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