Dragonball Z: Power Unleashed
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Dragonball Z: Power Unleashed

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 King Kai Special Gains

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Male Number of posts : 95
Age : 30
Powerlevel : 1965
Ki : 1975
Hp/ Strenght : 955
Fighting experience : 8
Attacks : Afterimage, Solar Flare, Dirty Fireworks.
Transformations : Oozaru
Clan/Team : Leader, Legendary Exiles
Registration date : 2008-10-22

King Kai Special Gains Empty
PostSubject: King Kai Special Gains   King Kai Special Gains Icon_minitimeMon 27 Oct 2008, 1:21 am

Training Boosts
King Kais Planet
Effect: Increases gains by 10%

Catch Bubbles
Requirement: A 8-Paragraph RP on how you managed to catch Bubbles. (Note: you still get story train boost)
Effect: Increases Powerlevel/Ki by 500, Increases HP/Strength by 250.

Hit Gregory
Requirement: A 11-Paragrapth RP on how you managed to hit Gregory, must have allready caught Bubbles. (Note: you still get story train boost)
Effect: Increases Powerlevel/Ki by 500, Increases HP/Strength by 250.

King Kai Training
Requirement: A 14-Paragraph RP on training with King Kai, stayed on planet for 1 day, must have allready caught Bubbles & hit Gregory (Note: you still get story train boost)
Effect: Increases Powerlevel/Ki by 1000, Increases HP/Strength by 500, once youve gone this far. you cant take Hell Training.

Techniques Learnable

Kaioken Technique (Gives all stages of kaioken)
Requirement: Catch Bubbles, Hit Gregory, have stayed on planet for 2 days, write a 9-Paragraph RP on King Kai teaching you Kaioken (Note: you still get story train boost)

Spirit Bomb
Requirement: Catch Bubbles, Hit Gregory, King Kai Training, have stayed on planet for 2 days, write a 14-Paragraph RP on King Kai teaching you Spirit Bomb (Note: you still get story train boost)
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